Why Does My Dishwasher Back Up Into My Sink?



Having a dishwasher at home is a convenient way to clean your dishes and utensils. However, sometimes you may encounter issues with your dishwasher, such as it backing up into your sink. This can be frustrating and may require immediate attention. In this article, we will explore the reasons why your dishwasher may back up into your sink and provide some tips on how to resolve this issue.

1. Clogged Drain Hose

One of the common reasons for a dishwasher backing up into the sink is a clogged drain hose. Over time, food particles, grease, and debris can accumulate in the drain hose, causing a blockage. This blockage prevents the water from flowing properly and as a result, it backs up into the sink. To resolve this issue, you can try cleaning the drain hose with a pipe cleaner or running hot water through it to remove any obstructions.

2. Blocked Air Gap

An air gap is a small device located on the top of your sink or countertop that prevents dirty water from the dishwasher from flowing back into the dishwasher. If the air gap becomes blocked or clogged, it can cause the dishwasher to back up into the sink. To fix this issue, you can remove the air gap cover and clean it thoroughly to remove any debris or buildup.

3. Improperly Installed Drain Line

If your dishwasher is relatively new or has recently been installed, it is possible that the drain line was not installed correctly. A poorly installed drain line can cause water to back up into the sink instead of draining properly. In this case, you may need to contact a professional plumber to inspect and reinstall the drain line correctly.

4. High Drain Loop

A high drain loop is a section of the drain hose that is positioned higher than the dishwasher’s bottom. This loop prevents water from flowing back into the dishwasher. If the high drain loop is not properly installed or is missing, it can cause the dishwasher to back up into the sink. To resolve this issue, you can consult your dishwasher’s manual or contact the manufacturer for guidance on installing a high drain loop.

5. Garbage Disposal Backup

If your kitchen sink is equipped with a garbage disposal, it is possible that the backup is due to a clogged disposal unit. When the disposal unit becomes clogged, it can cause water from the dishwasher to back up into the sink. To fix this issue, you can try running the disposal unit with cold water to clear any obstructions. If the problem persists, you may need to consult a professional plumber to inspect and repair the garbage disposal.

6. Plumbing Vent Issues

Another possible reason for the dishwasher backing up into the sink is a problem with the plumbing vent. The plumbing vent is a pipe that allows air to enter the plumbing system, preventing any negative pressure that could cause water to back up. If the plumbing vent is blocked or clogged, it can disrupt the proper drainage of water from the dishwasher, leading to a backup in the sink. In this case, you may need to contact a professional plumber to inspect and clear any blockages in the plumbing vent.


Experiencing a dishwasher backup into the sink can be frustrating, but understanding the potential causes can help you resolve the issue. By checking for a clogged drain hose, blocked air gap, improperly installed drain line, high drain loop, garbage disposal backup, or plumbing vent issues, you can troubleshoot and fix the problem. If you are unsure or unable to resolve the issue on your own, it is always recommended to seek the assistance of a professional plumber.