What To Put In A Vending Machine In 2023

best places to put vending machines reddit Rod Messenger
best places to put vending machines reddit Rod Messenger from rodmessenger.blogspot.com


Vending machines have come a long way since their inception. In today’s fast-paced world, they provide convenience and accessibility to a wide range of products. If you’re considering starting a vending machine business or simply want to upgrade your existing machines, it’s essential to stock them with the right items. In this article, we will explore some popular choices for what to put in a vending machine in 2023.

1. Snacks

Snacks are a staple in vending machines, and in 2023, the demand for healthier options is on the rise. Consider stocking your machines with a variety of options such as granola bars, protein bars, popcorn, veggie chips, and dried fruits. Providing both indulgent and nutritious snacks will cater to a wider range of customers.

2. Beverages

Quenching thirst is another essential need that vending machines can fulfill. In 2023, there is a growing demand for healthier beverage options. Consider offering a selection of bottled water, flavored water, natural juices, and low-sugar sodas. Additionally, having a few options for hot beverages like coffee or tea can be a great addition, especially in office buildings or colder regions.

3. Fresh Food

Gone are the days when vending machines only offered packaged snacks. In 2023, there is an increasing demand for fresh and healthier food options. Consider stocking your machines with items like salads, sandwiches, wraps, and fruit cups. Ensure that the freshness and quality of these items are maintained by regularly checking expiration dates and rotating stock.

4. Personal Care Products

Providing convenience extends beyond food and beverages. In 2023, vending machines can also be stocked with personal care products like travel-sized toiletries, hand sanitizers, feminine hygiene products, and over-the-counter medications. These items can be particularly useful in places like airports, bus stations, or office buildings where people may forget or run out of essential personal care items.

5. Tech Accessories

In today’s tech-savvy world, vending machines can cater to the needs of gadget enthusiasts. Consider stocking tech accessories like charging cables, phone cases, earphones, and portable power banks. These items can be particularly useful in airports, shopping malls, or college campuses where people often find themselves in need of such accessories.

6. Novelty Items

In 2023, vending machines can also offer unique and novelty items that cater to specific interests or hobbies. Consider stocking machines with items like small toys, collectibles, stationery, or even small art prints. These items can provide a sense of fun and excitement, making the vending machine experience more enjoyable for customers.

7. Healthy Snack Subscriptions

In recent years, subscription-based services have gained popularity. In 2023, you can take advantage of this trend by offering healthy snack subscription boxes through vending machines. Customers can sign up for a monthly subscription and receive a variety of curated healthy snacks. This option provides convenience and a regular supply of nutritious snacks for health-conscious individuals.

8. Local and Artisanal Products

Supporting local businesses and providing unique products is becoming increasingly important to customers. In 2023, consider partnering with local artisans or small-scale producers to stock your vending machines with their products. This can include items like locally made snacks, crafts, handmade skincare products, or specialty items that showcase the local culture and flavors.

9. Eco-Friendly Products

With the increasing concern for the environment, stocking vending machines with eco-friendly products can be a great selling point. In 2023, consider offering items like reusable water bottles, bamboo toothbrushes, eco-friendly cleaning supplies, or biodegradable food containers. By providing these options, you can cater to environmentally conscious customers who prioritize sustainability.

10. Customizable Options

In 2023, vending machines can offer customers the opportunity to customize their purchases. Consider installing machines that allow customers to choose their preferred ingredients for items like salads or sandwiches. This customization feature can enhance the customer experience and meet individual dietary preferences or restrictions.


As the vending machine industry continues to evolve, it’s important to keep up with the changing demands and preferences of customers. By stocking your machines with a diverse range of snacks, beverages, fresh food, personal care products, tech accessories, novelty items, and customizable options, you can cater to a wider customer base and stay ahead in the vending machine business in 2023.