What Deicer Is Safe For Concrete In 2023?

Best Deicer Types and How to Use
Best Deicer Types and How to Use from www.thoughtco.com


During winter, deicers play a crucial role in keeping our driveways, sidewalks, and other concrete surfaces safe by melting ice and snow. However, not all deicers are created equal when it comes to their impact on concrete. Some deicers can cause damage and accelerate deterioration, leading to costly repairs. In this article, we will explore the best deicers that are safe for concrete in 2023.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Deicer

Concrete is a porous material, and certain deicers can penetrate its surface, causing it to weaken and crack over time. Additionally, some deicers can react chemically with concrete, leading to further damage. Therefore, it is crucial to choose deicers that are safe for concrete to ensure its longevity and durability.

Safe Deicers for Concrete

1. Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA): CMA is an environmentally friendly deicer that is safe for concrete. It does not chemically react with concrete and has a minimal impact on its structure. CMA is effective in melting ice and snow and is commonly used in areas where concrete preservation is a priority.

2. Potassium Acetate: Potassium acetate is another deicer that is safe for concrete. It is non-corrosive and does not cause damage to the surface. Potassium acetate is often used in airports and other areas where corrosion on metals or concrete is a concern.

3. Magnesium Chloride: Magnesium chloride is a popular deicer that is safe for concrete when used in moderation. Although it can cause damage if overused, using it in recommended amounts is generally safe. Magnesium chloride is effective in melting ice and provides good traction on slippery surfaces.

Deicers to Avoid

1. Sodium Chloride (Rock Salt): While sodium chloride is inexpensive and widely available, it can be harmful to concrete. It can cause spalling and scaling, leading to surface deterioration. It is best to avoid using rock salt on concrete surfaces.

2. Calcium Chloride: Calcium chloride is effective in melting ice and snow, but it can be damaging to concrete. It can cause pitting and scaling, especially when used in high concentrations or repeatedly. It is advisable to use calcium chloride cautiously or choose an alternative deicer.

Tips for Using Deicers Safely

1. Use deicers sparingly: Using excessive amounts of deicers can increase the risk of concrete damage. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and apply deicers in recommended quantities.

2. Remove snow and ice mechanically: Before applying deicers, remove as much snow and ice as possible with a shovel or snowblower. This reduces the reliance on deicers and minimizes their potential impact on concrete.

3. Seal concrete surfaces: Applying a concrete sealer can provide an additional layer of protection against deicers. Sealing the concrete helps prevent moisture penetration and reduces the risk of damage.


Choosing the right deicer is crucial to ensure the longevity and durability of concrete surfaces. Calcium Magnesium Acetate, Potassium Acetate, and Magnesium Chloride are safe deicers for concrete. It is important to avoid using Sodium Chloride (Rock Salt) and Calcium Chloride on concrete surfaces. By following these guidelines and using deicers responsibly, you can protect your concrete from damage and maintain its integrity for years to come.