How To Fix Erosion Under Concrete Slab

How to Fix Erosion Under Concrete 10 Ways (2022)
How to Fix Erosion Under Concrete 10 Ways (2022) from

How to Fix Erosion Under Concrete Slab


Erosion under a concrete slab can cause significant damage and compromise the structural integrity of the slab. It is important to address erosion issues promptly to avoid further damage. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to fix erosion under a concrete slab.

Identifying the Problem

The first step in fixing erosion under a concrete slab is to identify the problem areas. Look for signs of erosion such as cracks, sinking, or unevenness in the slab. These are indications that erosion may be occurring underneath.

Evaluating the Cause

Once you have identified the problem areas, it is essential to evaluate the cause of the erosion. Common causes include poor drainage, water leaks, or improper soil compaction. Understanding the cause will help you determine the most effective solution.

Repairing the Erosion

1. Clear the area: Remove any debris or loose soil from the affected area to ensure a clean work surface.

2. Fill the voids: Use a high-quality concrete repair material to fill the voids created by erosion. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application and curing.

3. Reinforce the slab: If the erosion has caused significant damage, it may be necessary to reinforce the slab. This can be done by adding steel rebar or wire mesh to provide additional strength and stability.

4. Improve drainage: Address any drainage issues to prevent future erosion. Install French drains or gutters to redirect water away from the concrete slab.

5. Fix leaks: If the erosion is caused by water leaks, fix the leaks promptly to prevent further damage. Repair any plumbing or drainage systems that may be contributing to the problem.

Maintaining the Repaired Slab

Once the erosion has been fixed, it is important to maintain the repaired slab to prevent future issues. Regularly inspect the area for signs of erosion or damage and address any problems promptly.


Fixing erosion under a concrete slab is crucial for maintaining the integrity and longevity of the structure. By identifying the problem, evaluating the cause, and following the repair steps outlined in this article, you can effectively fix erosion issues and prevent further damage.