Elongated Cushion Cut 1 Carat: The Perfect Diamond For Your Engagement Ring

1 carat engagement ring elongated cushion cut 7.5x 5.5mm 1ct Etsy
1 carat engagement ring elongated cushion cut 7.5x 5.5mm 1ct Etsy from www.etsy.com


Choosing an engagement ring is an important decision that requires careful consideration. One popular choice among couples is the elongated cushion cut 1 carat diamond. This exquisite diamond shape offers a unique combination of elegance, brilliance, and vintage charm. In this article, we will explore the beauty and features of the elongated cushion cut 1 carat diamond, and why it is the perfect choice for your engagement ring in 2023.

The Beauty of the Elongated Cushion Cut

The elongated cushion cut is a modified version of the classic cushion cut, featuring a rectangular or square shape with rounded corners. What sets this diamond shape apart is its elongated proportions, which give it a more elegant and sophisticated look. The elongated cushion cut 1 carat diamond offers a perfect balance between the classic cushion cut and the elongated shape, making it a popular choice among couples.

Brilliance and Sparkle

One of the key features of the elongated cushion cut 1 carat diamond is its exceptional brilliance and sparkle. The unique facet pattern of this diamond shape allows for maximum light reflection, resulting in a stunning display of fire and brilliance. Whether you’re indoors or outdoors, the elongated cushion cut diamond will catch the light and sparkle beautifully, making it a true showstopper.

Vintage Charm

The elongated cushion cut 1 carat diamond also exudes a timeless vintage charm. Its soft, rounded corners and elongated shape harken back to the romantic and glamorous eras of the past. If you’re a fan of vintage-inspired jewelry, the elongated cushion cut diamond will perfectly complement your style and add a touch of nostalgia to your engagement ring.

Why Choose 1 Carat?

When it comes to diamond size, the 1 carat weight is considered a classic choice for engagement rings. It strikes the perfect balance between size and affordability, making it a popular choice among couples. The elongated cushion cut 1 carat diamond offers a substantial presence on the finger without being overly flashy. It is a versatile size that suits a wide range of styles and preferences.

Versatility in Design

The 1 carat elongated cushion cut diamond allows for a variety of engagement ring designs. Whether you prefer a solitaire setting, a halo design, or a vintage-inspired setting, this diamond shape can be beautifully incorporated into any style. Its elongated shape also creates the illusion of longer, slender fingers, adding to its overall appeal.


While the 1 carat elongated cushion cut diamond offers a substantial size and presence, it is also more affordable compared to larger carat weights. This makes it an ideal choice for couples who want a high-quality diamond without breaking the bank. With a 1 carat elongated cushion cut diamond, you can have a stunning and meaningful engagement ring that fits within your budget.


The elongated cushion cut 1 carat diamond is a beautiful and versatile choice for your engagement ring in 2023. Its unique shape, exceptional brilliance, and vintage charm make it a timeless and elegant choice. Whether you’re a fan of vintage-inspired jewelry or simply appreciate the beauty of this diamond shape, the elongated cushion cut 1 carat diamond is sure to capture your heart. Choose this stunning diamond for your engagement ring, and let its beauty and meaning symbolize your everlasting love.