Best Dual Blade Armor In Monster Hunter Rise (Mhr)

13 Best Dual Blades In MHR
13 Best Dual Blades In MHR from


In Monster Hunter Rise (MHR), choosing the right armor for your dual blade playstyle is crucial. With the diverse range of monsters and challenging quests, having the best dual blade armor can greatly enhance your hunting experience. In this article, we will explore some of the top dual blade armors available in MHR in 2023.

Nargacuga Armor


The Nargacuga armor set is a popular choice among dual blade users due to its unique set bonuses and skills. It offers increased affinity, evasion, and critical eye, making it ideal for players who focus on agility and critical hits. The set also provides evade extender, which improves your dodging capabilities.

How to Obtain

To obtain the Nargacuga armor, you will need to hunt the Nargacuga monster. This elusive creature can be found in the Shrine Ruins and Flooded Forest. It is recommended to have a high-level dual blade set before taking on this challenging monster to maximize your chances of success.

Rathalos Armor


The Rathalos armor set is another excellent choice for dual blade users. It focuses on increasing your attack power and elemental damage. With skills like Attack Boost and Critical Element, this armor set allows you to deal significant damage to monsters weak to specific elements.

How to Obtain

To obtain the Rathalos armor, you will need to defeat the Rathalos monster. This fire-breathing wyvern can be found in the Sandy Plains and Lava Caverns. Prepare yourself with fire-resistant gear and bring traps to make the fight more manageable.

Teostra Armor


The Teostra armor set is a powerhouse for dual blade users who want to focus on dealing explosive damage. With skills like Blast Attack and Critical Eye, this armor set enhances your ability to inflict blast damage on monsters. Additionally, it provides fire resistance, making it suitable for fighting fire-based monsters.

How to Obtain

To obtain the Teostra armor, you will need to take on the challenging Teostra monster. This elder dragon can be found in the Lava Caverns. Prepare yourself with high-level fire resistance gear and bring plenty of healing items to survive its fiery attacks.

Tigrex Armor


The Tigrex armor set is perfect for dual blade users who prefer a more aggressive playstyle. It offers skills like Agitator and Speed Sharpening, which increase your attack power and sharpening speed. This armor set allows you to maintain your offensive momentum without worrying about weapon sharpness.

How to Obtain

To obtain the Tigrex armor, you will need to hunt the Tigrex monster. This fearsome wyvern can be found in the Frost Islands and Flooded Forest. Be prepared for its relentless attacks and bring gear with high defense to withstand its powerful blows.


Choosing the best dual blade armor in MHR can greatly enhance your hunting capabilities. Whether you prefer agility, high elemental damage, explosive damage, or aggression, there is an armor set that suits your playstyle. Experiment with different armor sets and find the one that complements your dual blade skills the best. Happy hunting!